Pamela Yap, L.Ac
Acupuncture * Oriental Medicine * Internal Arts

Services & Rates

Private Consultations


Initial Treatment (90 minutes) -- $120. Comprehensive review of patient history, current complaints, followed by an acupuncture treatment which may extend to other adjunct bodywork modalities such as moxibustion, tuina/ massage, cupping, or customized qigong.

Follow up Treatment (90 minutes) -- $108. A review of progress/ current status followed by an acupuncture treatment which may extend to other adjunct bodywork modalities (moxibustion, tuina/ massage, cupping, or customized qigong, or nutritional counselling).

Follow up Treatment (60 minutes) -- $88. A brief review of progress / current status followed by an acupuncture treatment which may include another adjunct bodywork modality such as moxibustion, tuina/ massage, cupping, or customized qigong.

Follow up Treatment (45 minutes) -- $75. A brief review of progress / current status followed by an acupuncture treatment.

Herbal consults (40 minutes) -- $110; Herbs are extra. Herbal consults require closer monitoring and follow-up over a period of 21 days. Dosing and sourcing of safe, therapeutic grade quality herbs and appropriate substitutes in cases of shortages, as well as navigating allergy risks are all meticulously undertaken here by the practitioner.

Community Style Acupuncture

Affordable and customized, this is acupuncture served within a 45-minute timeframe, in a communal setting, with very little talk. Fee is on a Sliding Scale of $25 - $50 (further discounted!)




Administered on yoga mats, all very spaciously distanced, and sanitized between patients, in a room that has a top-tier HEPA AIR FILTER running all the time



Community style acupuncture sessions are made available to you AFTER your initial comprehensive consultation. After that, you can book a Community Acu Session here.

These are the timeslots open on Thursdays.

4:00 - 4:45

4:15 - 5:00

4:30 - 5:15

4:45 - 5:30

5:00 - 5:45

5:15 - 6:00

5:30 - 6:15

5:45 - 6:30







for your Community Style Session

1. Wear loose clothing that can be rolled up to the elbows and knees to allow the practitioner to access your acupuncture points.

2. Do not wear perfume or cologne. Some of our patients are allergic or sensitive to smells.

3. Bring whatever you need from home to make yourself comfortable during treatment. Items such as earplugs or relaxing music (through headphones) may be especially helpful if snoring or other community sounds are prone to disturb you. If your neck is extra sensitive, you may want to bring a pillow.

4. Come well-hydrated, and with already digested food in your stomach before treatment, so our treatment doesn't have to compete with your digestion for the circulation of energy.

5. When you walk into the studio, there will be a table to the far left with one-paged Questionnaires. Please fill one out and give it to your practitioner when it's your time for a treatment. Absolutely let the practitioner know if you are or may be pregnant.

6. Use the restroom BEFORE your appointed time, and be prepared to have your needles retained for 30 minutes, During this needle retention time, your acupuncturist will be taking care of those who are already in the room as well as those who will enter after your treatment begins.

7. Cancellations: We require 24 hours notice for cancellations.



We need community to keep the community style going,

so thank you for your participation!





Hybrid Packages




3 acupuncture sessions (1 private Comprehensive Initial Treatment + 2 community style)

For only $168

45 day expiration date


Follow-up Packages (with varying expiration periods)

  • "Free the Flow" Package - 4 follow up sessions (1 private + 3 community style) - 60 day expiration period. Price: $168

  • "Root That Qi" Package - 8 follow up sessions (1 private + 7 community style) - 90 day expiration date. Price: $290

  • "Weed & Seed" Package - 9 follow up sessions (1 private session + 1 herbal consultation + 7 community style sessions) - 120 day expiration date. Price: $398



Community style acupuncture sessions are made available to you AFTER your INITIAL CONSULTATION, after which you can book Community Acu Sessions here. Please make sure to fill out the intake form that will be sent through your booking confirmation email.



Give your loved one a restorative acupuncture session! Please inquire via email.